אוטותל - השכרת רכבים

How to join the service?

All you need to do to become a part of the AutoTel community is download the app, sign up easily, choose the nearest car and start driving. We will reserve the car for you for 15 minutes from the time of order.

All you need to do to become a part of the AutoTel community is download the app, sign up easily, choose the nearest car and start driving. We will reserve the car for you for 15 minutes from the time of order.

For further details
Fill out details and promise to return
Or call 077-8054377

התקדמו שלב!
הפרטים שלך התקבלו במערכת שלנו בהצלחה.
ברגע שנהיה פנויים ליד הטלפון נתקשר אלייך 🙂