אוטותל - השכרת רכבים

Is Smoking permitted in the vehicle?

AutoTel vehicles are used by thousands of drivers every month, and we would like to maintain the driving experience as pleasant as possible. We make sure our vehicles are clean and fragrant, and therefore smoking is strictly prohibited.

AutoTel vehicles are used by thousands of drivers every month, and we would like to maintain the driving experience as pleasant as possible. We make sure our vehicles are clean and fragrant, and therefore smoking is strictly prohibited.

For further details
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Or call 077-8054377

התקדמו שלב!
הפרטים שלך התקבלו במערכת שלנו בהצלחה.
ברגע שנהיה פנויים ליד הטלפון נתקשר אלייך 🙂