אוטותל - השכרת רכבים

What do you do in case of an accident?

God forbid! If an accident occurs, it is crucial that you stay calm and contact our customer service at *9133. We will guide you through the process vis a vis our damages department.

God forbid! If an accident occurs, it is crucial that you stay calm and contact our customer service at *9133. We will guide you through the process vis a vis our damages department.

For further details
Fill out details and promise to return
Or call 077-8054377

התקדמו שלב!
הפרטים שלך התקבלו במערכת שלנו בהצלחה.
ברגע שנהיה פנויים ליד הטלפון נתקשר אלייך 🙂